mary 1.0a50 - an optimizing native code Forth compiler for PIC microcontrollers Released on February 2000 Copyright Francisco Rodrigo Escobedo Robles, 2000 Visit for info and latest versions Contact for suggestions mary is free as in freedom, as it's an Open Source work This version is covered by GNU General Public License version 2 mary is currently in alpha state, so it's released to be used with caution. I honestly believe it works, but it can cause unknown errors, for which I cannot be held responsible. Particularly, if the entire Universe is collapsed into itself, I am innocent. This is the README file mary is in alpha state. The docs are also in alpha. Important changes may occur before beta. mary is an optimizing native code Forth compiler for PIC microcontrollers. It generates machine code instructions and optimizes sequences of them, constant values and logical operators. Read mary-manual.txt for documentation. For installing it: tar -C /usr/local -zxvf mary-1.0a50.tar.gz